Impatience is the Enemy of Writers

Sometimes a story needs to sit in a drawer for a month . . . or a year. September 1, 2022 Dear Writers, Thank you for signing up for Writing with Hart: News and Opportunities for Writers. I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve been thinking a lot about the revision process this week, because I finally hadContinue reading “Impatience is the Enemy of Writers”

Article Pitches that Sold to Magazines & Newspapers

Pitching an article is an art-form. Make sure the topic you’re pitching checks one or more of these boxes: Is the topic new, or treated in a new way? Is the topic relevant to readers of that specific publication? Is the topic surprising? Here are three of my pitches that recently sold. Sold to TheContinue reading “Article Pitches that Sold to Magazines & Newspapers”

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