Listening is Writing, Too

Why authors need podcasts. February 2, 2023 Dear Writers, Thank you for signing up for Writing with Hart: News and Opportunities for Writers. I’m so glad you’re here! Enormous congratulations to two of my former writing students on their publications last month. Diane Gottlieb, editor of Emerge Literary Journal, had this piece published I Didn’t Have SexContinue reading “Listening is Writing, Too”

Generate Story Ideas Wherever You Go!

It’s simply a matter of training your brain to spot them. August 1, 2022 Dear Writers, Thank you for signing up for Writing with Hart: News and Opportunities for Writers. I’m so glad you’re here! In mid-July, I emailed a bit of bonus content about how I challenge myself to come up with a story idea wherever I goContinue reading “Generate Story Ideas Wherever You Go!”

It’s National Mental Health Awareness Week!

Do you know where your kids’ books are? The pandemic has wreaked havoc on kids’ mental health. Fortunately, a good novel or memoir can help. Even just six minutes a day of reading for pleasure can reduce anxiety and depression. Here, you can read all about it in my article for Motherwell, “How to HelpContinue reading “It’s National Mental Health Awareness Week!”

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