Why Writers Need Coffee with Friends…and with Strangers

You may dislike critique groups, but don’t discount the power of the coffee date. January 3, 2023 Dear Writers, Thank you for signing up for Writing with Hart: News and Opportunities for Writers. I’m so glad you’re here! First, big congratulations to my Oregon colleague Emily Grosvenor for her publication of this inspiring personal essay: “Ditch theContinue reading “Why Writers Need Coffee with Friends…and with Strangers”

It’s Okay to Take a Break from Writing…

Before you spontaneously combust. November 1, 2022 Dear Writers, Thank you for signing up for Writing with Hart: News and Opportunities for Writers. I’m so glad you’re here! Right away, a Big Confession: I didn’t send an October newsletter. Life got really messy at the end of September. I’m talking emotional trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia .Continue reading “It’s Okay to Take a Break from Writing…”

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