Why Writers Need Coffee with Friends…and with Strangers

You may dislike critique groups, but don’t discount the power of the coffee date. January 3, 2023 Dear Writers, Thank you for signing up for Writing with Hart: News and Opportunities for Writers. I’m so glad you’re here! First, big congratulations to my Oregon colleague Emily Grosvenor for her publication of this inspiring personal essay: “Ditch theContinue reading “Why Writers Need Coffee with Friends…and with Strangers”

What Makes You Fearful & Deeply Uncomfortable?

Go out and pursue it. December 2, 2023 Dear Writers, Last Tuesday, I walked into a hospital room and found a man lying on the ground groaning in pain. It was up to me to figure out what was wrong with him and how to help. It turned out he’d fallen and had a horrificContinue reading “What Makes You Fearful & Deeply Uncomfortable?”

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